
Karibu to Kenya

We have arrived in Nairobi and are officially in the Southern hemisphere! So weird!

After flying across the Atlantic to Amsterdam and then across the Mediterranean Sea into Africa, our travel time clocks at around 24 hours. The humidity was not surprising as we stepped off the plane, but the driving was! Kenyans drive on the left side of the road here, like the English do in the UK. On our way from the airport to the Samaritan's Purse guest house, our driver Ephantus (he works closely with SP here in Kenya) gave us a bit of a spiel on the history of the country. He is a knowledgable guy with a really big heart. I liked him right off the bat! He'll be our guide for the safari that we'll be on later in the week too.

The real fun began when we got to the guest house though. We had to do a bit of lock-picking/breaking & entering in order to get into our rooms. I'm sure the neighbours in the rest of the apartment complex thought we were crazy... So in combining Ryan's ingenius ability to figure things out and my ingenius ability to always have a bobby pin (ha), we finally got in.

Tomorrow we are going to the Elephant Orphanage and then we'll be heading out to Korr on a small plane the next day!

So it being around 1am (9 hour jet lag!) , we're all calling it a day and crawling under our mosquito nets for the night.

Lala salama! 

PS. In Swahili, karibu means 'welcome' and lala salama means 'goodnight'. :)

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